




  • 慰安所が日本の国会により合法化されたのは1944年
  • 慰安婦は一人1000円で雇われた
  • 原理的には借金返済後解放されるはずだったが、殆どは売春を強制された
  • たくさんの国籍の慰安婦がいた。日本人もいたが将校専用だった
  • 総数は10万から20万(12歳の少女もいた)
  • 殆どは朝鮮人
  • 1992年、韓国の議会に対し、日本の総理大臣個人的に、日本政府が朝鮮人の誘拐に果たした役割について謝罪した

comfort women. In January 1938, after the Japanese Army had moved into China (see China incident), a system of brothels was opened there for Japanese troops. This was done partly to control venereal disease (see medicine), but also to prevent a recurrence of events in Nanking in December 1937 when Japanese troops pillaged the city, raping and massacring its inhabitants. Later the system, only made legal by the Japanese Diet in August 1944, spread to other Japanese-occupied areas such as Burma. The brothels were called ianjo (comfort houses) and the ianfu (comfort girls) who staffed them were recruited for 1,000 yen each. After this had been repaid (at two yen per soldier) they were, in theory, free to return home, but most were forced into prostitution. A number of nationalities were involved, including Japanese (for officers only), and it has been estimated that between 100,000 and 200,000 girls (some as young as 12) and women were recruited for the system, or for forced labour, most of them from Korea. In January 1992 the Japanese prime minister apologized in person to South Korea's National Assembly for Japan's role in abducting Korean women, some of whom later that year began a legal action against the Japanese government for compensation