

訃報【チョン・ユンホン】Korea Heraldはどう伝えた?


連合ニュースは22歳で「連行された」、コリア・ヘラルドは夫ともども「徴用(ドラフト)された」としている。ハンギョレには二十歳の時に先に夫が「徴用連行された」とある(20살 때 징용으로 끌려간 남편)。

夫の「連行」が1940~41年のことだとすると、国民徴用令は44年、官斡旋でも42年の3月からだから、 夫の場合も徴用というのは違うような気がする。チョン本人も終戦を待たずに帰国している。

連合ニュース(ハングル) 2011.1.4

Jeong was drafted as a comfort woman in 1942. She served in China after learning about the death of her husband, who was also drafted to the war. She was discharged the following year after becoming pregnant. 



もちろんここは日本の英字紙が、日本は全ての慰安婦が自発的だったなどとは主張していない、むしろその境遇に同情とお詫びの気持ちを表明していると言った記事を掲載してバランスをとってくれる・・・などという事は期待できない2011年の正月なのであった。 明けましておめでとうございます。





한미희 기자 = 일본군 위안부 피해자인 정윤홍 할머니가 지난해 12월31일 오후 9시께 경기도 일산 자택에서 노환으로 별세했다. 향년 90세.

   한국정신대문제대책협의회에 따르면 1920년 충남 당진에서 태어난 정 할머니는 1933년 결혼해 두 아이를 낳았으나 22살이던 1942년 연행돼 중국 동안에서 위안부 생활을 하다 1945년 해방 직전 임신한 채 돌아왔다.

   1982년 경기도 평택으로 옮겨 노점상을 하며 생계를 이어왔으며 1995년 위안부 피해자 신고를 했다.

   앞서 같은 달 10일에는 1942년 싱가포르로 끌려가 위안부 생활을 한 이양근 할머니가 전북 익산에서 87세를 일기로 세상을 떠났다.

   작년에만 9명의 위안부 할머니가 별세해 정부에 등록한 위안부 피해 생존자는 이제 79명으로 줄었다.


Jeong Yun-hong, one of the few surviving former “comfort women,” who were forced into sexual slavery for Japanese soldiers during World War II, died on Dec. 31 at her home in Ilsan, northwest of Seoul, a support group said Monday. She was 90 years old.

Her death reduced the number of the state-registered former Korean comfort women to 79.

Jeong Yun-hong

The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, a civic group seeking compensation for comfort women, said that Jeong was drafted as a comfort woman in 1942. She served in China after learning about the death of her husband, who was also drafted to the war.

She was discharged the following year after becoming pregnant. She made a living by working as a street vendor in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province after giving birth. She stayed at the support group’s shelter in 2003 and fought to get the Japanese government to recognize and apologize to the victims.

“It is time the government should step up efforts to solve the problem. The witnesses and victims are dying,” a spokeswoman for the KCW told The Korea Herald.

The comfort women is one of the thorniest issues between Seoul and Tokyo regarding Japan’s colonial rule of Korea from 1910-45. Amid strong resistance from the Japanese government, which still claims the women’s sexual service was voluntary, the practice was defined by the U.N. and the International Labor Organization, as well as other international agencies, as an inhumane crime. In 2007, the U.S. Congress also passed a resolution requesting the Japanese government’s swift response to resolve it.

Supporters of the comfort women note time is running out to resolve the issue as many victims are now dying. Nine died last year and the majority of the survivors are in poor health.

Last month, lawyers from Japan and South Korea demanded the Japanese government apologize to the victims and pay them compensation.
A support group member pays tribute to deceased comfort women at a weekly Wednesday protest in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul on Dec. 29. (Yonhap News)

In November, activists from all over the world collected signatures of 300,000 people calling for a swift settlement of the issue.

“It is time to make aggressive progress,” Yang Noh-ja, director of the KCW, said in an interview held before the event.

By Bae Ji-sook (baejisook@heraldm.com)

コリア・ヘラルド 2011.1.3

일본군 위안부 피해자인 정윤홍(사진)씨가 31일 밤 9시 별세했다. 향년 90. 충남 당진에서 태어난 고인은 20살 때 징용으로 끌려간 남편의 사망 소식을 들었고, 22살 되던 해인 1942년 연행돼 중국 동안성에서 위안부 생활을 했다.

1945년 해방 직전 위안소에서 임신한 채 돌아왔고, 그해 9월 출산했다. 1982년 경기도 평택에서 노점상 등을 운영하며 생계를 이어왔다. 1995년 일본군 위안부 피해자 신고를 했고, 2003년 한국정신대문제대책협의회(정대협) 쉼터에서 1년간 머물기도 했다. 이로써 정부에 등록된 위안부 할머니 생존자는 79명으로 줄었다. 발인은 3일 오전 8시 동국대 일산병원에서 한다.

김민경 기자, 사진 한국정신대문제대책협의회 제공