

国際婦人デー 10のテーマ




もちろん、Rebecca Priceという女性の紹介するこのリストで取り上げられているのは、日本の女性問題だけではない。アメリカの監獄でのセクハラ問題も取り上げられている。 しかし、国策として女性を虐待したと責められているのは日本だけである。

Comfort Women Ask Japan for Formal Apology

During World War II, the Japanese government forcibly removed young girls from their homes and used them as sex-slaves for Japanese soldiers. Known as "comfort women," the girls were taken from Taiwan, Korea, China, the Philippines and other countries, and some estimate the number of victims at 500,000. For the past several decades, the surviving comfort women, with the help of women's rights groups, have been petitioning and filing lawsuits with the government of Japan for formal recognition and an apology for these acts.

The Huffington Post 2011.3.8 (一部)


  1. For Afghan Wives, a Desperate, Fiery Way Out
  2. Rape Kit Testing Backlog Thwarts Justice for Victims
  3. Comfort Women Ask Japan for Formal Apology
  4. Women at Risk for Sexual Abuse in U.S. Immigration Detention Centers
  5. India Relies on "Two-Finger" Test to Verify Rape
  6. The Razor and the Damage Done: Female Genital Mutilation in Kurdish Iraq
  7. Indictment: Somali Gangs Ran Sex Ring in 3 States
  8. Guinea Shaken By Wave Of Rapes During Crackdown
  9. Yemen Child Bride "Bleeds to Death"
  10. Protests Raise Hope for Women's Rights in Egypt


Rebecca Priceについて:

Rebecca Price is the creator of Chick History, a website dedicated to finding new ways to tell women’s stories and contributions for everyone to enjoy and learn. She has been working in the museum field for over 10 years at museums, historic homes and national associations. She holds an M.A. in Museums Studies from George Washington University and is also the Director of Marketing for the American Association for State and Local History.

関連エントリー: 国際婦人デー100周年韓国での目玉はFACE