

動画コレクション 劇 Vagina Monologues

Vagina Monologues - Comfort Women performed by Sheila

When I directed the show, I was lucky enough to get a very talented asian actress on campus to do this piece. It was one of the most touching, moving, and unforgettable things I've ever witnessed. She was so emotional and passionate, but in a subtle way...tears gently rolling down her face, and then the emotion rising near the end where she's begging for the apology, slowing turning into screaming and crying "SAY IT!"...there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

I directed the VMs the year this piece came out. I divided the lines between my cast members... with all of them saying the "We are sorry! Say it!" parts.

It was pretty powerful with 25 women...

But this woman alone was great.

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