


日本軍慰安婦問題は、「戦争の手段としてのレイプ」の例として、しばしばコンゴの組織的レイプと同列に扱われている。このコメントを書いたZarina Holmesはイギリスの人。この人の場合は慰安婦制度を「戦争の報酬としてのレイプ」だと考えている。こういった認識もまた外国人には珍しくない。



...Congo is not a geographical location I am familiar with, but as a woman I certainly would like see the result of the “Besiege” project. I hope this project can provide some clues about the act of rape in war zones, to be shared worldwide. Apart from a weapon of war, historically rape has been a form of a war booty. The feminine body has always been viewed as a prize to be shared amongst the winning side, alongside lands and properties. This is not exclusive to one specific culture. (Remember the Vikings?)

We have plenty evidence this in recent time – From the mass rape of German women by Russian armies avenging the Nazi (WW2), rape of Chinese and Korean “comfort women” by the Japanese army (WW2), right through to the prostitution epidemic in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand during/after the Vietnam war to accommodate the US soldiers. (SE Asian women are still heavily stigmatised by the “I love you long time” image. A form of cultural emasculation? Absolutely).

What’s happening in Congo is a tragedy. But it is also another chapter in a long history of war rape that has yet to be changed.

David Campbell (個人ブログ)