

カダフィの組織的レイプを証言した兵士 リビア版吉田清治

内戦状態に陥ったリビアで、親カダフィ軍が兵士たちにバイアグラを配るなどして組織的なレイプを行っていると国際刑事裁判所(ICC)の検察官が報告して話題になっているが、国連人権調査団の団長が否定したこの噂の影にも、加害者側の偽証(告発)があったらしい。いわばリビア版の吉田清治証言であるが、BBCのアフリカ特派員は信憑性は薄いとしてこれまでその内容を記事にしていなかったという。彼は自分の記事にLibya rape claims: Seeking the truth(リビアの強姦の告発:真相を求めて)というタイトルをつけているが、そろそろ「日本軍性奴隷」問題についても、真相を追及すべき時である。BBCも何度か慰安婦問題を記事にしていたわけだし・・・。

BBCのアンドリュー・ハーディング特派員は過去の記事に there is a big difference between individual acts of violence committed during wartime and a systematic campaign to target civilians とも書いている。すなわち戦時中に兵士個人が行った犯罪と、組織的に一般市民を標的にした軍事作戦(性奴隷狩り・戦争の手段としてのレイプなど)には大きな違いがあると彼は言う。





Libya rape claims: Seeking the truth

What did you make of International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo's forceful statement that "rape is a new aspect of the repression" by Col Muammar Gaddafi?

He went on to suggest that he might have - or be getting - evidence showing that containers of "Viagra-type" drugs were being bought and systematically distributed to frontline troops to encourage the rape of civilians.

A couple of weeks ago I met two young Gaddafi soldiers-turned-prisoners in Misrata who claimed to have taken part in a gang-rape and said they knew of many similar incidents. They also mentioned being given drugs, but for various reasons I found that part of their story the least consistent and credible, and didn't include it on my blog.

Mr Ocampo has a well-known flair for the dramatic, and has reached some devastating conclusions from what he admits is still incomplete research.

This is the television report on the topic that I've just put together here in Benghazi.

Many women have suffered during the ongoing conflict in Libya
With luck and pressure and hard work, the full truth (or at least a substantial chunk of it) will emerge about the rapes. But I doubt that will happen before the conflict is resolved.

In the meantime it was interesting to note the emphatically negative assessment of Mr Ocampo's conclusions by Cherif Bassiouni, who is leading a UN investigation on the situation in Libya. "Massive hysteria," was his thundering put-down.

So two trenchant, male voices boom across the table. But are they drowning out the quieter voices we should all be listening out for?

Andrew Harding
Africa correspondent (2011.6.10 BBC)

