



内戦状態に陥ったリビアで兵士による強姦が横行しているという報道は以前にもあった。しかしこの度は、カダフィ大佐が「戦争の手段として」のレイプを用いている(Libya: Gaddafi 'Used Rape As Weapon Of War')という非難が国際刑事裁判所(ICC)の主任検察官の口から発せられた。ジャーナリスが証拠品のコンドームを発見したという辺りは、韓国や中国の慰安所記念館で日本軍のコンドームが(性奴隷制の)証拠物件として陳列されているという話を思い起こさせる。

もっとも、Sky Newsのコメント欄を読む限り、この報道を本気にしていない人も多いようだ。

追記:このエントリーを書き起こしている間に、続報。一連の報道に対し、国連人権調査団の団長が「集団ヒステリー」の一部だとして噂を否定した。興味深いのは、この団長(Cherif Bassiouni)は現地で政府側の人間からも、反政府側が集団レイプ(マス・レイプ)を行っているという話を聴いているという点だ。意図してかどうかは分からないが、双方が「レイプ」をプロパガンダに利用しているという構図らしい。




Sam Kiley in Tripoli, Libya
Colonel Gaddafi ordered mass rapes and gave sex drugs to troops to encourage them to attack women, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has claimed.

Luis Moreno-Ocampo said witnesses had confirmed the Libyan government had bought containers of a Viagra-type drug to allow the policy to be carried out.
These allegations have been often repeated by rebels for over a month.
And journalists have found some evidence of the use of condoms and anti-impotence drugs in villages taken from Col Gaddafi's forces in the Nafusa Mountains and on the eastern front south of Benghazi.
Iman el Obeidi, 29, rushed the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli and before being bundled out accused members of the colonel's security forces of raping her in March earlier this year.
But until the ICC came out with its allegations it has been had to prove the widespread rebel claims. not least because very few Arab women are prepared to reveal that they have suffered sexual abuse.
The ICC investigation, which concentrated in the east, interviewed over 100 women and has allegedly gathered enough evidence to point the finger of blame for ordering the abuses at Col Gaddafi himself.

Mr Moreno-Ocampo has already requested arrest warrants against Col Gaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam and Libya's spy chief on charges of crimes against humanity.
ICC judges are currently considering this request - but the prosecutor said fresh charges of mass rape may be brought.
Mr Moreno-Ocampo, who spoke in a New York news conference, said that until recently, the question had been whether Col Gaddafi himself could be associated with the rapes "or is it something that happened in the barracks?"
He said there was new information that Col Gaddafi had decided to authorise the rapes.
"The rape is a new aspect of the repression. Apparently, he decided to punish using rapes," Mr Moreno-Ocampo said.
The prosecutor said it was difficult to know how widespread such rapes were but he had received information there were several hundred victims in some areas.
Rebel sources have told Sky News that dozens of women in the western mountain villages have been violated. But it has been impossible to corroborate these claims.
UK Defence Secretary Liam Fox told Sky News he thinks the allegations are to be expected but that there is "serious evidence" behind them.
Moussa Ibrahim, the Libyan government's spokesman, said: "It's the same old nonsense. We have always asked, time and again, for people to come on the ground and investigate all accusations against us.
"Unfortunately many people to choose to accuse us cheaply of many many crimes and they refuse to come on the ground and investigate."

A spokesperson from Viagra manufacturer Pfizer said the company is "appalled" by the allegations of abuse and "condemns the misuse of any of its medicines".
She said Pfizer had stopped shipping all products to Libya in February, when sanctions were implemented by the international community.
Amid the fresh allegations, Western and Arab nations have met in Abu Dhabi to discuss the "end game" for Col Gaddafi, a US official has said.
Ministers from the Libya contact group, an alliance including the United States, France and Britain, as well as Arab allies Qatar, Kuwait and Jordan, agreed in May to set up a fund to help the rebels in the civil war.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the conference in the UAE the Libyan leader's days are "numbered" and his departure inevitable.
Elsewhere, Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade has appealed to Col Gaddafi to step down, and offered to help ease his former ally's exit from power.
"It is in your own interest and the interest of all the Libyan people that you leave power in Libya and never dream of coming back to power," Mr Wade said during a visit to the rebel stronghold of Benghazi.
Italy pledged it would give almost $600m to rebels and encouraged other countries supporting Nato to also offer support. France is giving $290m of frozen Libyan funds to the rebels.
But the Transitional National Council has said it needs $3bn in funding to support itself for the next few months but has been appealing for diplomatic recognition and financial support with mixed results.
The summit comes after Nato stepped up airstrikes on Tripoli, prompting the heaviest day of bombardment yet on the country this week.
Col Gaddafi's troops have also escalated their violence against rebel forces, with more deaths reported in the stronghold of Misratah.

Skynews 2011.6.9 [BU]

リビアの最高指導者ムアマル・カダフィ(Moamer Kadhafi)大佐が兵士に集団レイプを指示していたとする国際刑事裁判所(ICC)のルイス・モレノオカンポ(Luis Moreno-Ocampo)主任検察官の主張に対し、リビア情勢を担当する国連人権調査団のCherif Bassiouni団長は9日、疑問を呈し、そうした主張は混乱するリビア国内の状況下における「集団ヒステリー」の一部だと指摘した。


これに対しBassiouni氏は記者団に、反体制派が制圧しているリビア東部を訪れた際に確かにそうした主張を耳にしたが、首都トリポリ(Toripoli)でも「同じ話に遭遇した」と述べた。「しかも、言ってきたのは政権側の人々だった。『知っているか? 反体制派は集団レイプを作戦にしている。彼らが避妊薬やバイアグラの錠剤を配っているのを発見した』といった具合だ。なので私は、彼らに『それは反体制派から我々が聞いた話とまったく同じだ』と言った」




AFP 2011.6.10