

[資料/英語] Why is there silence?



Why is there silence?

uhm…the link doesn’t work

one, your link doesn’t work

two, it’s never “fair” to use women as intruments of war. the acts that you so grossly, graphically detailed are all war crimes punishable under the Hague Conventions. why so many women have been victimized in times of war is due to the baseness of those who perpetrated those acts, the utter lack of humanity of the circumstances. so no one should ever think that the war abuses done to women were justified or fair (unless you’re a psycho, of course).

and three, these things continue not because we want them to, but because few people are doing anything about it. women, for being physically weaker, could easily be the helpless preys…nevertheless, there have been efforts to seek justice on their behalf, just like when the governments/States of the comfort women took the cudgels for them and sued the Japanese government for damages. moreover, normal people with some sense of morality in them, never tolerate these war atrocities.

yarking lunchloaf
so what should we do about it? Invade Africa? Get tangled up in half a dozen running sore conflicts and get a whole bunch of Westerners killed, just so we can withdraw someday, leave a few U.N. peacekeepers around to get slaughtered and eventually have what’s left of them bail out of there too, and have everything go back to the way it was? Our little incursion in Somalia should attest to the veracity of what I’ve said here.

It’s not just women that are victimized in Africa. Young boys get raped and are forced into brutal military servive. People are slaughtered and deliberately starved by the millions, and so on.

They don’t live by our rules. And it’s apparent that they never will, unless they are forced to by military intervention on a huge scale. And you shouldn’t hold your breath waiting for the West to recolonize Africa.

But feel free to howl and wring your hands over it if it makes you feel better. Just don’t expect it to change anything. And don’t expect me to join you. Don’t waste my time on things that are have been amply proven to be futile efforts.

Silence is the complete absence of sound, like black is the complete absens of light.

There is not silence, you just wrote about it.
There is inaction, because most of us don’t know what to do about it.

It’s not fair, and women and children are used as leverage in these situations because the husbands “will do anything” to prevent their families from being killed. But it doesn’t really help.

Women have always been used in wars. It’s the ultimate violation, and it makes many afraid – which is exactly what the enemy wants.

Here is an except about the rapes in Congo:

“The widespread problem of sexual violence throughout DRC—it has been reported that 40 cases of rapes occur everyday in South Kivu—is coupled with a disturbing element of sexual brutality as women and girls are being gang raped, abducted and forced into sexual slavery.

Many survivors of sexual violence have received debilitating damage to their reproductive organs, resulting in multiple fistulas and incontinence. Women and girls have been left with broken bones, missing limbs and even burns. Some have been shot and stabbed in the vagina with bullets, bits of broken glass and corns of cob. Family men have been forced to sexually violate their daughters, sisters, and mothers at gun point. ”

There were comfort women in WWII, rape camps in Serbia, mass rape in Rwanda (resulting in 250,000 cases of HIV).

Why does it continue? Why is it “fair” to use women as instruments of war?


Umm….I’m “reminding the world” of women’s powerlessness by asking about atrocity rapes in Congo??? Are you an advocate of silence? (the world would be so much more compassionate with silence so that human rights violations could continue to take place, is that it?….join the human race, why don’t you?