




しかし聯合ニュース (英字版)の記事もふるってる。「日本の帝国主義者軍に性奴隷として奉仕する事を強制された朝鮮人の女性たち(Korean women forced to serve as sex slaves for Japanese imperialist troops)」についてヒラリーが強制売春の犠牲者だと認めたと・・・。「帝国主義者軍」とは、北朝鮮の国営放送並の煽りっぷりである。



今日になって、4ヶ月も前のこのエントリーのアクセス数が跳ね上がった。このニュースのせいらしい。→「慰安婦ではなく『日本軍の性奴隷』 クリントン米国務長官が指摘 韓国紙報道」(共同)このニュースについては、新たにエントリーしようと考えている。推測だが韓国の外交関係者が継続的にヒラリーに働きかけているのではないか。ヒラリーはもともと人身売買問題について積極的に発言している人であるし、どうも韓国側は外国の要人から「日本軍慰安婦は性奴隷」という言質を集めようと画策しているフシがある(これは次回のエントリーで)。日本の外交官は何をやっているのか!とお怒りの向きもあろうと思うが、それは無茶というものである。なぜかは→「自民党議員、河野談話を棚に上げ外務省を叱る

U.S. stepping up efforts to boost tripartite ties with S. Korea, Japan: envoy
By Lee Chi-dong

WASHINGTON, March 14 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's new top envoy in the United States said Wednesday he will concentrate efforts on
"fine-tuning" the alliance between the two sides and helping Washington's efforts to boost trilateral cooperation with Seoul and Tokyo.

Amb. Choi Young-jin said Seoul-Washington relations can't be "always smooth," no more than relationships among friends and between husband and wife.

"It is important to prevent unnecessary conflicts by predicting possible problems and managing them in advance," he said in a meeting with South Korean correspondents here.

He was responding to a barrage of questions on his remarks in Seoul on the need to "readjust" the alliance, which is said to be at the best-ever level.

Choi stressed he did not mean there are any existing problems in the alliance but just wanted to emphasize the importance of thorough maintenance work.

He said among his other priorities as ambassador to the U.S. are to deal painstakingly with the implementation of a bilateral free trade agreement and the North Korean nuclear issue.

Choi also said South Korea needs to capitalize on the U.S. move to bolster three-way cooperation involving Japan.

He pointed out Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's interest in the issue of Korean women forced to serve as sex slaves for Japanese imperialist troops in the early 1900s.

In talks with the South's Foreign Minister Kim Sung-whan in Washington last week, Clinton expressed her firm view that those Koreans, called "comfort women," were victims of "forced prostitution," according to South Korean officials.

"It represents that the U.S. makes much of trilateral relations with South Korea and Japan. It means a new and good phase has been created for us," said Choi, a former vice foreign minister and ambassador to the United Nations.

He also worked as special representative for United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to Cote d'Ivoire from 2007 before taking up his current post earlier this month. He replaced Han Duck-soo, who was appointed head of the Korea International Trade Association.