





慰安婦問題に懐疑的な人々は、ジャパン・プローブの常連の言うJapan hater(嫌日厨)相手に感情的になり「どっちもどっち」と思われる代わりに、こういった理解者を増やして行く努力をすべきだろう。最初は記事の本文を紹介する積りだったが、Grayというハンドルネームのコメントが良くまとまっており、ここまで理解しているのかと感心させられたので、こちらを紹介することにした。文の内容から日本在住らしい。

こういった冷静なコメントは5年前にも見られたが、以前見られたものよりも踏み込んでいる。強制連行の誤解がどのように生じたか、吉田清治の詐話や挺身隊との混同、そしてこの騒動を焚きつけたのが実は日本自身の左翼(Japan's own left wing)であったことも彼は承知している。米軍や韓国軍がまったく同じシステム(The exact same comfort system)を利用した事にも触れている。


彼/彼女はC・サラ・ソーの「The Comfort Women」を推薦しているが、ユキ・タナカ(田中利幸)の近著も良い本だと言っている。どの本か分からないが、最近発売された本だとすれば、これ(Beyond Victor's Justice? The Tokyo War Crimes Trial Revisited)の事だろうか?


Grayも言うように、英語によるアカデミックな仕事が不足しているのが一番大きい。しかし日本政府ももう少し何か出来るはずである。Grayは1~5年以内に慰安婦問題に対する国際常識は大きく変わると見ているが、自分はそこまで楽観的ではない。それでも最終的には真実が勝つのだろう。だから、あまり感情的にこの問題で反発して欲しくない。もともとはJapan's own left wingが焚きつけた問題だと思えば、隣国に対する罵詈雑言も抑えられるだろう。汚い言葉で罵っても日本は決して同情されないし、理解者は増えない。




日本人と韓国人の研究者はとっくに吉田<引用者注:吉田清治をソースとして使用することを諦めている。彼が強制連行説<引用者注: forced recruitment/強制動員>の原因だ(つまり性奴隷制度説の元祖)であるが、彼の「回顧録」はデタラメだった。







この問題についてニュースから知り得た範囲でしか知らない人はいろいろ言いたいだろうが、残念ながらもう少し洗練された学術的研究がこの問題に関してなされるまでは、相当な時間を入手可能な文書資料の読み込みに費やさない限り、学術的見解は述べられない(学術的でない知的なコメントも不可能という意味ではない。まだ十分<引用者注:英語で?>文書化されていない高度に関連性のある情報があまりにも存在するという意味)。僕は日本でかなりの数の自称、この問題のエキスパート、に会ったが、彼らの知識は慰安<婦>賠償運動の提供する知識の枠に嵌っていたり、あまりにも頑なで賠償運動に沿った方向でしか議論が出来ない人達だった。現時点では、2009年発売のサラ・ソーのThe Comfort Womenがこの問題について書かれた一番いい本だが(ユキ・タナカの一番新しい本もいい)、両者とも確固な賠償派の一員としてこの問題について書き始めたことを未だに重く引きずり、この問題を歴史と政治の文脈の中で語るという必須のことが出来ずに苦しんでいる

Japan Probe コメント欄(投稿者:Gray)

The lack of either general or academic knowledge on this subject is a perfect example of the frightening power of history to be rewritten by conquering nations. The truly thing is that in this case the impetus behind the comfort women movement was largely Japan's own left wing. My own study of the topic began only recently and came from the field of human trafficking, before studying the issue I had known the 'facts' for years and loathed Abe and the other deniers.It didn't take long to realise though that their arguements and documentary evidence were far stronger than those of the comfort redress movement. It is frankly a testatment to the weakness of Japan's media, academia and politicians that the issue was allowed to grow so large without and counter-attack, something which should have easily shredded the numerous faselhoods that have arisen.

A few short examples:

The above article continues to use the upper end of Yoshimi's 40-200,000 estimate for figures. Since then it has become quite clear the upper estimate was highly unlikley and even activists support a figure around the 50,000 mark.

This figure is for all women and there is no documentary evidence to suggest the majority of women were Korean and yet this is the way it is constantly portrayed. They may well have been, we have no way of knowing, but there is documentary evidence that shows in the early stages Japanese women outnumbered them and in parts of China Japanese women were also far more common.

Japanese and Korean academics have long given up use of Yoshida as a source. He was the origin of claims of forced recruitment (and thus the original cliam of sexual slavery) but his 'memoirs' were falsified.

The testimony of the women is in many case either self-contradictory, demonstrably false or clearly exaggerated beyond belief. Some former women have testified that most of the women were willing participants in prostitution (clearly such testimonies were not highlighted by activists)

The 'military' comfort system was identical in practice to the (legal) system of indentured prostitution (in fact, labor in general) that was widespread in Japan and Korea for decades before and after the war. It was by no means a military innovation and should never have become a tool for targeting the Japanese military. It did exploit women from poor families who were often sold into the work by relatives, however, while this is a serious social problem (and one still very common today in any nations with erious poverty) it in no way equates to slavery.

The system paid its workers very well. What suffering occured was dependent upon the wartime conditions at which workers were located. Some lived in relative luxury, others in harsh conditions. Many made huge amounts of money during their service. One of the first women who wrote about their lives found that most remebered their war years fondly and felt bitter more for how they were treated after the war.

The comfort system is frequently linked to the Teishintai women's volunteer corps, which used girls and young women as factory workers. Academics of any merit recognise they have no connection at all but it is often used as a claim that the Japanese rounded up young women (they did - for conscripted labor, something England also did).

The exact same comfort system was used after the war by US troops in Japan and US, UN and Korean troops in Korea.

I could literally go on for several hundred pages on the extent of the distortion of the historical record and the extent of militarized prostitution by other countries but this is . Suffice to say that even people like James, who disagree with how the issue is presented internationally, go nowhere near far enough. since the issue really arose in 1991 there has been a very slow but steady shift towards proper critical examination of the actual arguments and data involved and its likely that within the next 1-5 years there will be a major shift in public understanding of the issue. This is something that needs to happen not because of Japanese revisionism but to prevent Korean and Chinese demagogues from preventing proper reconcilliation by demanding Japan apologise for something that is largely a myth.

I'm sure that people who know about the issue just from what they've picked up on the news will have plenty to say but the unfortunate truth is that until some more polished academic work is done on the subject you would need to invest considerable time reading up on the available documentation before you can give an educated opinion (this does not prevent intelligent uneducated views, it just means there is too much information that is highly relevant that has not been adequately documented). I've met quite a number of self-professed experts on the subject here in Japan whose knowledge is limited entirely to what the comfort redress movement has presented and who are so entrenched that they are incapable of discussing anything outside of this. At present the best book in the subject is Sarah Soh's 2009 'The Comfort Women' (Yuki Tanaki's most recent book is also good) but they are both still too heavily influenced by having started their writing on the issue firmly in the the redress camp and have difficulty taking the broader view neccesary to place it in historical and political context.