



Japan had forcefully mobilized girls and young women for sex slavery to battle fields and violated their human rights(日本政府は少女や若い女性を性奴隷として強制的に戦場に動員し、彼女らの人権を侵害した)

government-led war crime(政府主導の戦争犯罪)

Japanese government [...] has denied forceful mobilization of ‘comfort women (日本政府は強制動員を否定した)

The World demands!(世界は要求している!)

100 Million Signatures Campaign for the Resolution of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery Issue

100 Million Signatures Campaign
for the Resolution of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery Issue

“The World demands!”
“Japanese Government’s State Apology and Legal Reparation to the Victims!”

During the Asia-Pacific War from early 1930s to 1945, Japan had forcefully mobilized girls and young women for sex slavery to battle fields and violated their human rights. After the war, they were either slaughtered or abandoned to death, never to return. Even after some survivors came back to their home country, any reparations were not made to them as Japan concealed and distorted its own crimes. The survivors were forced to silence their sufferings for more than 50 years.

As the Korean feminist movement for the Resolution of the Japanese Military Sexual slavery (“Comfort Women”) issue started in Korea in early 1990s, victims started to speak out and report Japan’s crime to the world. They also have demanded the Japanese government to admit their guilt and to take immediate actions for state apology and legal reparation. The movement has expanded across Asia to international community and lead to gain global sympathy with the resolution from international human rights organizations including UN and ILO who defined Japanese Military Sexual Slavery as a war crime and a crime against humanity. They have recommended the official apology and legal reparation followed by other measures to the Japanese Government.

However, the Japanese government has ignored these demands by victims and international community and avoided legal responsibilities on this government-led war crime, only to cover them up by raising private fund for “atonement money” instead. Furthermore, rather than redressing their damage, it has denied forceful mobilization of ‘comfort women,’ which distorted the nature of the crime, insulted victims, which violated their rights, and abuses human rights activists working in Japan to support the victims. These are ongoing violations of human rights, which is not appropriate for the member of UNHRC to take.

Toward international community and human rights organizations, we announce that the resolution of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery issue is a task that all humanity should join and work together for. Besides, in order to restore victims’ human rights through the apology and reparation to them immediately in effect and to prevent violence against women in armed conflicts like sex slavery and systemic rape, we will make cooperative efforts with the global community. To do this, we promote <100 data-blogger-escaped-campaign="" data-blogger-escaped-for="" data-blogger-escaped-issue="" data-blogger-escaped-japanese="" data-blogger-escaped-military="" data-blogger-escaped-million="" data-blogger-escaped-of="" data-blogger-escaped-resolution="" data-blogger-escaped-sexual="" data-blogger-escaped-signatures="" data-blogger-escaped-slavery="" data-blogger-escaped-the="">.

We demand as followings;

■ Japanese government should admit state responsibilities for the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery, and make official apology and legal reparation to the victims!

Victim countries’ governments including Korea should take proactive diplomatic measures to Japan and international community to restore victims’ human rights!

■ International organizations including UN and ILO should urge the Japanese government to follow recommendations by international organizations and resolve this issue immediately!

The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan
39-13 Seongsan-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 121-843, Republic of Korea
Phone : 82 2 365-4016. Fax: 82 2 365-4017. email: war_women@naver.com
100 Million Signatures Movement for the Resolution of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery issue

The World demands!

Japanese Government’s State Apology and Legal Reparations to Victims!

挺対協HP 2013.3.7