



マイケル・ヨンは以前にスマラン事件について上手く表現していた。曰く「system of abuses(虐待のシステム)ではなくabuses of the system(システムの悪用)」。そろそろ海外でもスマランカードは使えなくなりそうである。ヨンはローリングストーン誌のバージニア大学「キャンパス・レイプ」報道事件を挙げ、反論している。日本の右派にも参考になるはず。


Infamous 'feminist' Mindy Kotler commented on my page. Kotler is a shill for Beijing. She ignores current Chinese sex-slavery and focuses on Japanese from World War II.
Kotler's comment is attached. My response:

Mindy, you finally showed up under your own name.

But it is obvious you drank the cool aid just like Alex Dudden and others when they try and use this to try and prove 200.000 were kidnapped.

The Dutch cases such as that of Jan Ruff O’Herne (スマラン事件のこと)actually show the opposite. Simple common sense 101 questions: If it was Japanese policy to kidnap women why did they shut down all the brothels in the region when they found out she and her group had been kidnapped?

Why do the Dutch say that only around 60-70 women out of around 400 volunteers were found to be forced (19 from Jan's Group in Samerang)? Why are the rules clear in the Dutch Survey that the women had to have a volunteer statement on file, even providing a translator if they needed one in case they couldn't read?

Why did the Dutch not punish everyone if this was a system that was forcing all the women?

Rolling Stone magazine found out the hard way that rapes on college campuses does not mean college campuses endorse or promote a rape culture. Japan had violations of their system, as we did in Hawaii, France, and occupied Japan, Germany…everywhere.

The idea that there were 400,000 forced sex slaves is a cult lie, on the lowest level. Hysterical cult talk. Anyone who denies this is to be whipped. Typical cult behavior. Believe what you are told to believe, or suffer! You are in the middle of cult con-game. You are a con-artist.

The comfort women lobby keeps repeating the same lies while ignoring all the evidence of the time that they were prostitutes.

Why are focused on the Japanese prostitutes of 70 years ago when there are credible reports of much larger and actual sex slave operations in China today? They are regularly caught such as in Canada running sex slaves…TODAY. You ignore this. It does not fit your con game and cult hysterics.

Why do you avoid what you can fix today by tilting at the windmills of yesterday?

Your buddy Mike Honda might have some answers.

I am an investigative writer. I live by facts. Hysterics are not persuasive, they alert me.

How much funding have you received from Korean and Chinese government-related entities?

Unlike university professors, my livelihood actually depends on facts.

Your colleague, Alexis Dudden, who was awarded the Manhae Prize by the Chosun Ilbo for her activism in South Korea, is on the Harvard advisory council for Japanese constitutional revision, met with UN storyteller David Kaye just days after he went on a political mission to smear the entire Japanese press.

He participated in the obvious Kangaroo publicity stunt show trial in Tokyo(女性国際戦犯法廷のこと), and, most recently, turned the Association for Asian Studies into her political vehicle for leading a biased and unfounded vendetta against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and anyone willing to move Article 9 forward so Japan can finally grow up and become a responsible nation in shared defense cooperation in the region.

Is Dudden telling facts, or the usual left-wing professorial ideology?

Are you?

During HR 121(米下院121号決議) process, in which you supported the obvious lie that 200,000 women were kidnapped by the Japanese military at the behest of Congressman Mike (let’s take away bullet proof vests) Honda?

The HR 121 process was deceptive in the extreme. Was Larry Niksch working for any Korean funded or supporting organizations when he wrote the CRS in April of 2007?
Why were the special rules for voting enacted and only a handful of lawmakers actually vote for the HR yet the press releases made it sound like the entire US government rose up to condemn Japan?

Why were the conflicting testimonies and counter evidence not provided to the House? And you guided the process first for Hyde then for Honda.

It should be clear, given your and Dudden's naked political ambitions, why you run from the facts. The individual situation you bring up was tragic. The perpetrators were punished, as they should have been.

But even if the level of violations was close to what you are promoting (it is not close, that much is obvious), I'll ask again...why don't you highlight the CURRENT incidents of sex slavery in China like Reggie Littlejohn does over at Women's Rights Without Frontiers?

Why don't you help organize a House Resolution condemning China for the current sex slavery and trafficking for its Bachelor Villages? Why don't you work as hard on the Modern comfort women allegations against US GI's?

Your ax to grind against our ally the Japanese is obvious. Like Gloria Steinem who crossed into North Korea to praise Kim Jong Il's murderous regime while spewing the lie that Japan's position on comfort women is keeping the two Korea's Apart (https://piie.com/…/north-korea-witness-tran…/women-cross-dmz) anyone who actually believes the comfort women myth without mentioning the current crimes against women in places like China and yes, even South Korea, is an obvious shill.
You are a shill, and a con.