




"Better late than never" 完全な償いなど不可能だが「やらないより、やった方がマシ」とアメリカ人である彼女は言う。「何もやっていない」のはむしろアメリカである。

"I'm sure the survivors would appreciate an apology" 「(充分でないにしろ)サバイバーたちは謝罪を受け入れるだろう」。それは、バックにいる政治団体次第というのが実態なのである。

Better late than never, the old saying goes. Sixty-five years after the end of World War II, attorneys in Japan and Korea are joining forces to call for justice for the "comfort women."

Of the estimated 200,000 women who were forced into sexual service for the Japanese armed forces, only a handful of very elderly ladies remain. Nonetheless, I'm sure the survivors would appreciate an apology, although nothing can truly compensate them for what they went through.

これは、先日の日弁連と韓国の弁護士会の共同宣言をKorea Timesの記事を受けての感想だが、この記事には朝鮮人被爆者についても日本政府が賠償を求められていることも書かれているが(Seoul says the pact does not cover compensation for some of the victims, including sexually enslaved women... and those injured by the atomic bombing of Japan)、アメリカ人としてその辺をスル―してはいけないのではないか?


Kallie Szczepanski is a historian who has spent more than five years living in Asia, and has traveled extensively in twelve Asian countries.

Kallie first went to Asia as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Turkmenistan, in 1997-98. During her Peace Corps service, she took the opportunity to visit a number of nearby countries including Azerbaijan, Turkey, India, and Nepal.

On her return to the United States, Kallie served as a Comments Editor for the "Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal," a professional legal quarterly. She also worked on land reform issues in Asia as an intern at the Rural Development Institute in Seattle, Washington.

Kallie lived in South Korea from 2003 to 2007, teaching English as a Foreign Language at private academies, and at Hallym University. University breaks allowed Kallie ample time to explore more of Asia, including the Philippines, Thailand, and Cambodia.

Kallie Szczepanski holds a bachelor's degree in History from Western Washington University, and a J.D. from the University of Washington School of Law.

Kallie is studying for a History PhD in Boston.