



馬総統は、台湾の元慰安婦が日本から法的な賠償を得られるよう支援することを約束した。新竹県にする86歳のLu Man-meiは台湾に生存する13人の慰安婦の一人、1999年に9人の元慰安婦が日本政府に対して訴訟を起こしたが、2005年に最高裁で敗訴が確定した。

馬総統に若かりし頃の写真を見せたLu Man-meiは最近までクリーニング屋で働いていたが、旧正月の直前に怪我をして、それ以来動けないという。チャイナ・ポストは、日本軍は第二次大戦中最低でも40万人の中国、朝鮮、台湾、フィリピンの女性を強制的に売春させていた(Japanese army forced into prostitution at least 400,000 women in China, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia and the Philippines)と書いている。今過去のエントリーを確認したら、これは二年前に台湾の他の新聞(タイワン・トゥデイ)が同じことを書いていた。



TAIPEI--President Ma Ying-jeou promised Sunday to assist Taiwanese “comfort women” in their legal efforts to obtain reparation from Japan.

During a call to one of the surviving “comfort women” in Taiwan, the president said his government will provide legal assistance to war victims like her to seek compensation and an apology from the Japanese authorities.

The 86-year-old woman, Lu Man-mei of Hsinchu County, was one of those who were forced to provide sexual services to Japanese soldiers during World War II.

She is one of 13 surviving “comfort women” in Taiwan. In 1999, nine of the Taiwanese women filed a lawsuit against the Japanese government, but it was dismissed by the Japanese Supreme Court in 2005.

During Ma's visit, Lu showed him photos of herself when she was young.

She had been working in the laundry business until recently, but got hurt just before the Lunar New Year and has not been able to work since then, she said.

During World War II, the Japanese army forced into prostitution at least 400,000 women in China, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia and the Philippines.

In Taiwan, the number of victims was estimated at 1,200 to 2,000, but only 58 were confirmed as war victims by the Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation (TWRF).

Most of the 13 surviving “comfort women” in Taiwan live alone and suffer from diseases related to uterus damage, according to the TWRF.

China Post 2011.2.28

追記: タイペイ・ニュース3月1日