
少々噛み合わなかった外国特派員協会でのやり取り (なでしこアクション)



詳細についてはいずれ改めて分析したいが、外国人記者とのやり取りがしばしばロスト・イン・トランスレーション状態になってしまったのは、ある程度予想通りだった。やはり、例によって性奴隷(sex slave)か否かを巡るやり取りである。


山本代表が、単なる売春婦だ(性奴隷ではない)とした米軍の報告書がありますと紹介するのだが、外国人記者たちがそれを読むと、sexual slavery(性奴隷制)だったという事が書かれている。もちろん1940年代の米軍は性奴隷という言葉は使わなかったが(当時からそういう言葉があったとしても、今のようにhuman traffickingやsexual slaveryが喧しく言われた時代ではなかった)、女性たちが(日本人の業者に)騙されて連れて来られたことが書かれている。これは、まさに性奴隷(制)ではないかと彼らは思ったろうが、山本代表は、「ねっ、ほら単なる売春婦って書いてあるでしょ?」という顔で微笑んでいるという図。

これはどうしても、日本人の考える性奴隷のイメージと欧米人が考える(俗に言うところの)性奴隷のイメージの違いを把握しておく必要がある。山本代表は会見の中で「それでも夜は明ける(原題 12 Years a Slave)」という映画を例えに出した。鎖につながれた黒人奴隷のイメージである。だから、慰安婦は(性)奴隷ではなかった、と。

しかし、外国人記者がsexual slaveryとしてイメージするのは、そんなものではない。下の図はウガンダの新聞から拝借したものだが、ウガンダ人女性がどうやってsex slaveryに落ち込むのかを解説している。

外国人記者がイメージしていたであろう性奴隷(sex slave)
How Ugandans are being duped into sex slavery

  1. 仕事内容に合意し、被害者には必要書類や渡航手段が無料で提供される。
  2. 到着すると、業者にパスポートを差し押さえられる。
  3. 速やかに言いなりになれば、犠牲者は監視つきの売春婦(!)となる。
  4. 性奴隷制への手引きは、何が起こるかについて厳しい警告と指導が伴う(脅迫?)。
  5. 言いなりにならない獲物は、強姦されたりする。



ついでなので、ウガンダ人女性がどうやってsexual slaveryに落ち込むか、現地の新聞から。



パスポートやビザ、航空チケットを買うお金がないと言うと、万事手配すると請合ってくれた。 キブリ(首都カンパラの中央部にある場所)を訪れたMastula Nalubowa 別名 Mercy Nalubowaは、興奮して自分の妹の所へ行き、そのすばらしいニュースを伝えた。


Nalubowaがその見知らぬ人に、連絡先(?)とパスポート用の写真を渡すと、三週間後、パスポートと旅行用の書類を取りに来るよう電話が来た。 彼女は社(やしろ)へ連れて行かれ、裸にされ儀式が執り行われた。そして書類を渡され、旅行代金と必要経費の全額をシンジケートに返済する書類にサインさせられた。その額、8000ドルだった。



NewVision 2012.8.5

Having spent three years without a job, the offer was too juicy for her to refuse. She was promised a lucrative part time job in a four-star hotel, an opportunity to study in college to upgrade her qualifications and be paid $1,000, (sh2,500,000) every month.

When she insisted that she had no money to pay for the passport, visa and air ticket, she was assured everything would be covered for her.

Excited, Mastula Nalubowa alias Mercy Nalubowa ran to her sister she had come to visit in Kibuli and told her the exciting news.

“She was jobless, so the allure of that kind of money was too much. Since we were not going to incur any costs for her travel, we gave her a go ahead,” her sister told Sunday Vision.

Nalubowa gave the stranger her contacts, plus a passport photo. After three weeks, she was called to pick her passport and travel documents.

She was taken to a shrine, undressed and certain rituals were performed on her. She was then given some papers to sign where she was required to repay the syndicate the travel expenses and all the money they had incurred on her. In total the figure was $8000 (sh20,000,000).

The nightmares in China

Unknown to her, her dreams would soon turn into a nightmare once she had boarded the plane. She was first taken to China to an apartment where she met 15 other girls from Uganda.

The syndicate immediately took her passport, ushered into a small room with a bed and told to start working. On learning that she had been duped into sex slavery, she hesitated. Three men came in, beat her up, raped and threatened to kill her. A big bulky African man was then ushered into her room and he forcefully had sex with her. Then came another and another. By the end of the first day she had slept with 15 men.

“Everybody wanted the new girl that had come from Uganda,” her sister told Sunday Vision in a phone interview.

Among those who raped her was a chief drug trafficker, who upon arrest later, was found to be HIV positive.

After a month in China, she and four others were flown to Malaysia, where they entered using social visit visas. They were taken to Petaling Jaya, where the syndicate had rented four apartments.

The women could not go anywhere as their movements were monitored by the syndicate.

“She could not rest. The pimp kept on bringing her man after man. He would collect the money at the door way. They gave her nothing and she had no say on which man to sleep with.”

And when she went into her periods they kept bringing more and more men.

Lucky escape
As luck would have it, one of the girls escaped and boarded a taxi to the Ugandan consulate, who alerted the police in Bukit Aman. When they moved in, they arrested two women who were acting as pimps and also recovered notebooks containing the names of all the customers each girl had serviced.

Mastula was lucky that when the operation was carried out she escaped. She is among hundreds of Ugandan women stranded in Malaysia and China without any help or documentation.

A study by the Refugee Documentation Centre of Ireland in 2010 revealed that Uganda is a source and destination country for commercial sexual exploitation. The report showed that young girls and women were lured into sex trafficking within East Africa, Europe and Asian countries.

According to the study, Uganda still falls short of its international obligation to protect her citizens against sexual offences and human trafficking, despite the states efforts to combat this on the legislative front.

And the Police and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs do not have exact figures of Ugandans that have been trafficked out of the country and are being held in servitude in foreign countries.